新关注 > 信息聚合 > 记者跟随工商探访汽油检测 专家:低标车莫用高标油

记者跟随工商探访汽油检测 专家:低标车莫用高标油

Reporters follow BUSINESS visits gasoline Detection Expert: Mo low emission vehicles with a high standard oil

2016-04-13 08:27:10来源: 人民网

检测人员将汽油样品放入检测仪器。京华时报记者欧阳晓菲摄 汽油中的硫含量、挥发性等是怎么检测出来的?昨天,京华时报记者跟随海淀工商分局的人员,走进北京石油产品质量监督检验中心(下称石油检验中心),探访汽油质量的检测过程。石油检验中心的相关专家提醒,众所周知,高标车使用比规定标号低的汽油...

Inspectors gasoline sample was placed in testing equipment. Beijing Times reporter Ouyang Xiao Fei photo sulfur content in gasoline, and other volatile detection is how out? Yesterday, the Beijing Times reporter to follow the Haidian Branch Trade and Industry personnel, into the Beijing Petroleum Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (hereinafter referred to as petroleum and test center), visits gasoline quality testing process. Experts remind oil inspection center, it is well known, the use of high-emission vehicles is lower than a predetermined reference gasoline ...