新关注 > 信息聚合 > 棋牌进入奥运?水木智娱举办全球智力运动盛会


Chess into the Olympic Games? Shuimu wisdom entertainment sports event to hold global intelligence

2017-07-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

7月21日,“闪耀智慧之光——全球智力运动主题晚宴”在北京蟹岛度假村盛大举办,现场汇聚了全球智力运动界的顶级大咖以及来自全球20多个国家的上百名智力运动精英,还有多位政府领导、企业家、棋牌行业代表等。大家共同见证了全球智力运动发展的又一新的里程碑。 部分参会嘉宾名单如下:国际智力运动联盟(IMSA)创始主席、国际麻将联盟(MIL)总顾问Jose Damiani先生;IMSA执行主席Geoffrey Borg先生;MIL创始主席、联众国际CEO Frank NG先生;世界牌类游戏联盟(CCG)创始主席,亚博科技、阿里棋牌主席兼CEO孙豪先生;WPT亚洲区负责人Cathy Zhao女士;国际麻...

On July 21, "shine the light of wisdom, the world sports theme dinner" intelligence XieDao resorts in Beijing held a grand, live together the intellectual sport of the world's top big curry, and from more than 20 countries around the world hundreds of elite intellectual movement, there are a number of government leaders, entrepreneurs, board industry representatives, etc. We witnessed the global intelligence and a new milestone in the development of sports. Part of attending guest list as follows: (IMSA) founding chairman of the international intellectual movement alliance, the international union of mahjong (MIL) general counsel Jose guido Damiani Sir; IMSA executive chairman Mr Geoffrey Borg; MIL founding President and many allied international CEO Frank Mr NG. World union card games (CCG) founding chairman of agtech technology, ali, chairman of the board and CEO Mr Sun Hao; WPT Asia head Cathy ms Zhao. The international ma...