新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江义乌警方破获首例“德州扑克”赌博案 刑拘23人

浙江义乌警方破获首例“德州扑克”赌博案 刑拘23人

Zhejiang Yiwu police cracked the first "Dezhou Poker" gambling case detention 23 people

2017-06-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

警方查获的用于赌博筹码。 义乌公安供图 中新网义乌6月28日电(记者 张茵 通讯员 冯丽敏)花几分钟时间就能上手,但要玩好却非常需要智慧,这就是风靡全球的“德州扑克”。不过,这种被誉为“聪明人的游戏”的活动,近来竟然成了部分人获取不法利益的赌博方式。 28日,记者从浙江省义乌公安局获悉,日前,义乌市公安局破获首例“德州扑克”赌博案件,涉赌“俱乐部”成立不到一周便被“一窝端”。初步统计,该赌博窝点一周内的涉案金额便达到了20多万元,目前23人被刑事拘留,25人被予以行政处罚。 6月中旬,义乌警方在日常检查中发现,在一高档酒店内某俱乐部存在猫腻,有人在“俱乐部”内借着“积分竞技”的旗号...

Seized by the police for gambling chips. Yiwu Public Security Bureau in Yiwu, June (reporter Zhang Yin correspondent Feng Limin) 28 minutes to get started, but to play well, but need wisdom, which is sweeping the world's "Dezhou poker."". However, this kind of activity, which is called "the game of smart people", has recently become a gambling way for some people to gain illegal benefits. 28 days, reporters from the Yiwu Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province, the day before, the Yiwu Municipal Public Security Bureau cracked the first case of "Dezhou poker gambling gambling case," the club "was established less than a week will be" a nest end". Preliminary statistics, the gambling dens within a week of the amount involved reached about 200000 yuan, the current 23 people were under criminal detention, 25 people were given administrative penalties. In mid June, Yiwu police found in the daily inspection of a club in a high-end hotel there is a trick, some people in the "club" by the "points of competition" banner...