新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陌陌《愚公移山》发布有奖话题:你那里有多热?


Stranger stranger "yu gong yi shan" publish prize topic: how hot you there?

2017-06-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

夏至已至,全国各地普遍高温来袭,你那里究竟有多热呢?现在用一句话说出你的夏天有多热,就有机会赢取泛社交泛娱乐平台陌陌旗下游戏《愚公移山》为您准备的惊喜酷暑大礼包一份!什么是这个夏天最美滋滋的生活?当然是拿着礼包啃着西瓜在空调房里玩《愚公移山》啦!快来参加吧! 【活动时间】 6月26日---7月2日 【参与方式】 用一句话形容你的夏天有多热 【活动奖励】 愚公移山酷暑礼包:(子孙30w、金币200) 陌陌于2014年12月11日在纳斯达克正式挂牌上市,是一款基于地理位置的移动社交应用,用户可以通过陌陌结识附近的人和有共同爱好的伙伴,也可以加入感兴趣的群组,参加感兴趣的附近活动...

Has the summer solstice, the country is generally high temperature hits, just how hot you there? Now in one sentence to tell you how hot in the summer, will have a chance to win a general social generalized entertainment platform stranger stranger's game "yu gong yi shan" surprise for you heat a large package! What is the most fun in the summer of life? Is, of course, with a gift bag eating watermelon play "yu gong yi shan" in air conditioning room! Join!!!! [time], June 26 - July 2 in one sentence to describe your participation way 】 【 how hot in the summer heat yu gong yi shan activities reward 】 【 gift bag: (30 w, 200 gold COINS) devoted sons stranger on December 11, 2014 officially listed in nasdaq, is a location-based mobile social applications, users can devoted to devoted to meet near the partners and have common hobbies, also can join groups of interest, interested in nearby activities...