新关注 > 信息聚合 > 龙珠直播CEO陈琦栋:四大版块是龙珠直播的破界之道


Dragon Ball live CEO Chen Qidong: the four big block is the way to break the boundaries of Dragon Ball live broadcast.

2017-06-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2017年6月26日下午,“龙珠·直播无边界 2017战略发布会”在上海中华艺术宫举办。发布会上,龙珠直播CEO陈琦栋发布了龙珠接下来的战略规划。陈总认为,在当前直播行业已经进入以内容为主的下半场,龙珠直播将投入超过百亿,构建游戏、体育、电商、泛娱乐四大版块来打破原有的直播边界。 (龙珠直播CEO陈琦栋) 市场趋于理性 直播已进入下半场 近年来,随着众多资本的涌入,直播一度成为互联网最大的风口。经过一段时间的发展,由于内容单一和变现困难,传统的秀场直播模式逐渐落伍,资本开始谨慎投资,直播市场逐渐趋于理性,直播平台进入到了以内容和变现为主的下半场。 在直播行业的下半场,由于市场趋于...

On the afternoon of June 26, 2017, "dragon pearl live broadcast 2017 strategic conference" was held at Palace of Fine Arts, Shanghai. At the press conference, Dragon Ball live CEO Chen Qidong released the next strategic plan of dragon ball. Chen said that in the current live industry has entered the second half of the main content, dragon pearl live will invest more than 100 million, to build games, sports, e-commerce, pan entertainment four major sections to break the original live boundary. (Dragon Ball live CEO Chen Qidong) market trend direct seeding has entered the second half of the next few years, with the influx of many capital, live once become the largest Internet vent. After a period of development, because of the single content and difficulty in changing the content, the traditional live broadcast mode is gradually outdated, the capital began to invest prudently, the direct seeding market gradually tends to be rational, and the direct seeding platform has entered the second half of the content and transformation. In the second half of the live broadcast industry, as the market tends to...

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