2017《英雄联盟》洲际系列赛亚洲对抗赛将于7月6日至7月9日将在台北高雄举行。LPL、LCK、LMS三大赛区十二支顶级职业战队即将云集一处,对亚洲最强赛区这一头衔展开激烈争夺。作为《英雄联盟》项目荣耀最多的赛区,LCK对于冠军头衔的欲望绝不会被满足。在以往傲人的成绩下与足够的自信下,LCK的四支战队——SKT、KT、SSG与MVP对此次冠军奖杯势在必得。 SKT:捧杯已成习惯 纵观《英雄联盟》全球总决赛与季中冠军赛两大赛事,自从2013年时SKT初露峥嵘起,LCK便在与各大赛区的对抗中独领风骚——四届全球总决赛冠军、两届季中冠军赛冠军。而其中不得不说的是,代表LCK捧起大多数冠军奖杯的...
The 2017 Asian intercontinental series of heroes League will be held in Taipei, Kaohsiung, from July 6th to July 9th. LPL, LCK, LMS three divisions of the top twelve professional teams will soon be gathered in one place, the Asia strongest division of the title of fierce competition. As the most glorious division of the League of heroes project, LCK's desire for championship will never be met. In the past proud of the results and enough confidence, LCK's four teams - SKT, KT, SSG and MVP on the championship trophy is bound to win. SKT: the cup has become a habit throughout the Champions League "hero" global finals and season match two events since 2013, when SKT LCK misogynist, and in each contest against the leading district - the champions four World Championship finals, the two season in the championship. And one of the things that has to be said is that LCK won most of the trophies...