王峰/漫画 APP乱象丛生 很多人都有过这样的经历:买回一部新的智能手机,开机激活后,你会发现新手机中早就有人“贴心”地为你安装了一些应用程序(APP),尽管有些应用程序是你从来都不会用的;更让人烦恼的是,有些应用程序根本无法删除,于是就只能任由这些应用程序侵占着手机有限的存储空间。统计资料显示,2016年安卓手机平均预置应用程序数量约为9.2款,平均占用手机存储空间为634.4MB。从权限角度看,79.5%的预置应用程序自带开机自启权限,74.9%的预置应用程序自动消耗流量。这其中,接近八成用户不会使用或仅会使用少部分预置应用程序,其中有13.9%的用户完全不会使用预置应用程序,6...
Wang feng/cartoon APP a lot of people have a mess had such experience: to buy a new smart phone, boot after activation, you will find that in the new phone has been "close" for you to install some application (APP), although some of the applications are you never use; More troubling is that some applications cannot be deleted, so can only allow these applications on the phone with limited storage space. Statistics show that 2016 android phones presets application amount is about 9.2 on average, the average occupancy mobile storage space for 634.4 MB. Applications from the point of view permissions, 79.5% of the preset own boot from rev permissions, 74.9% of the presets application consumption flow automatically. Nearly eighty percent of these users will not use or applications will only use a few preset, 13.9% of the applications, the user doesn't use preset 6...