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全员泰国六日游 名通8090游戏:刷我滴卡!

Swim through 8090 full Thailand 6 games: brush my drop card!

2016-09-30 16:55:37来源: 07073游戏网

适逢江苏名通旗下8090游戏成立五周年,平台多款自研游戏也均取得骄人成绩,金秋九月,名通8090游戏全员来到景色宜人的泰国,感受异域风情,丰富业余生活,也为了增强各部门之间的沟通协作能力,让8090游戏这个大家庭更加和谐,为将来创造出更多精彩成就打下坚实基础。 泰国人见面爱说:“萨瓦...

In jiangsu tong's 8090 game to mark the fifth anniversary of establishment, platform game itself more also has achieved impressive results, autumn in September, 8090 games full name to gloriously Thailand, feeling the different region amorous feelings, enrich amateur life, also in order to improve the communication between the departments cooperation ability, make 8090 games this big family more harmonious, to create a more brilliant achievements in the future to lay a solid foundation. Thais meet love said: "Barcelona...

标签: 游戏