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多人VR游戏体验馆“十一”亮相泉城 双人配合大战..

VR gaming experience pavilion "11" springs Double with war..

2016-09-30 14:21:16来源: 大众网

大众网济南9月28日讯(记者 赵冉)如果问现在最受期待的游戏方式是什么?那么必然是火得不行的VR(虚拟现实)游戏。十一期间,“VR视界”多人VR游戏体验馆开门营业,门票6折优惠,大家不妨去看看超酷的VR游戏长啥样? 多人VR游戏体验馆位于泺源大街中银大厦二期的UU洋行商城内,此次首推...

The public network - jinan on September 28 (reporter Zhao meng) if asked what is the mode of the most eagerly awaited game now? So must be incredibly fire VR (virtual reality). During the eleventh "VR horizon" VR gaming experience pavilion opened, 6 discount tickets, we might as well look at the cool VR games long what kind? VR gaming experience pavilion is located in the company for the second phase of the bank of China tower UU LuoYuan street mall, the first...

标签: 游戏 VR