新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赛尔号战斗精灵王盖亚全民三日得


Cernet number to combat elf king gaia universal 3

2016-09-30 16:40:04来源: 4399

王之战联!全员加冕!战斗系最强战力—盖亚封王!国庆最热放送,精彩不容错过!全民参与,3日必得!免费兑换王盖亚!超强福利全民得!都来关注吧! 活动时间:9月30日开启 活动奖励:王·盖亚 进入赛尔号,点击页面右上角【精彩活动】-【全民得王·盖亚】。 规则:每天13:00-15:00...

Colonists league! Full crown! Combat is the strongest force - gaia king! National Day the hottest hoso, wonderful not to be missed! Universal participation, 3 will be! Free exchange king gaia! Super benefits universal too! Came to attention!!!! Activity time: on September 30, open activity rewards: king, gaia into cernet number, click the page top right corner "activity" - ", the king of gaia, ". Rules: daily 13:00-15:00...