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独立游戏的荣光 《看火人》将拍同名电影

The glory of the independent games see fire people will shoot a movie

2016-09-30 16:41:13来源: 4399

近年来日益回暖独立游戏市场让一票游戏制作人/团队尝到了甜头,更孕育出《纪念碑谷》、《这是我的战争》一类优秀作品。今天我们要说的独立游戏《看火人》(Firewatch)不仅在Steam平台上拥有高人气,近日更是传来拍摄同名电影的消息。 据《好莱坞报道者》报道,好莱坞电影公司Good Un...

In recent years, increasingly warming independent game market to get a ticket the producer/team tasted the sweets, more spawned a monument valley, "this is my war" kind of outstanding works. Today we say independent games "see the fire" (Firewatch) on the Steam platform not only has high popularity, but also of filming the movie of the same news recently. According to the Hollywood reporter reported that Hollywood studios Good Un...

标签: 游戏 电影