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A word is not crossed swords "seal day" of the blood

2016-09-30 16:46:08来源: 07073游戏网

3D神仙打架PK爆装《封天》网游,一言不合便拔刀相向,女人也是如此,快意江湖的热血之路。 所谓仇人相见,分外眼红,《封天》不但有以武论道的光辉时刻,还有血刃仇敌的复仇时间,那么如何在《封天》中进行自由PK呢? 《封天》再现传奇经典PK玩法—爆钱、爆装备,让玩家们找回曾经的PK激情...

3 d fairy fight PK explosive loading seal day online, a word not crossed swords, woman also is such, pleasure of river's lake road of the blood. So-called enemies meet, particularly jealous, the letter day not only have to talk the glory of the moment, and blood of the enemy blade revenge time, so how do you in the letter day free PK? The sealing day represent the legendary classic PK game - money, blasting equipment, let players back once the PK passion...