新关注 > 信息聚合 > 十款经典跨界合作经典游戏大盘点!


Ten classic cross-border cooperation classic games large inventory!

2016-08-20 09:33:31来源: 中关村在线

由卡普空与万代南宫梦联合发表的《街头霸王X铁拳》,在2012年发布之后广受好评。好吧,其实看着标题就觉得这个游戏一定很好玩。 可以毫不避讳的说,《异形大战铁血战士2:安魂曲》让这个题材再度荣耀。如果说曾经《异性大战铁血战士》的辉煌来源于精美的场景和疯狂捕杀的刺激,玩家在这款游戏中体验到...

By karp and ten thousand generations the nangongshan empty dream "street fighter X iron fist", issued in 2012, acclaimed after release. Well, look at the title felt the game must be very fun. Can not taboo to say, the alien war iron warrior 2: requiem make it glory again. If ever the glory of war of the opposite sex iron soldiers "is derived from the beautiful scene and the stimulation of crazy killing, players in the game to experience...

标签: 游戏