新关注 > 信息聚合 > 回忆青春《征途》这些事儿用不褪色


Memories of youth "journey" these things do not fade

2016-07-01 13:34:42来源: 新浪

2005年一款名为《征途》的网游横空出世,古典的画风、成熟的玩法以及首次提出的“国战网游”概念,让游戏一经推出立刻风靡全国。11年来《征途》出现过无数令人难忘的画面,创造了太多的经典传奇,这些辉煌的时刻,将永远记录在《征途》历史中,供所有玩家瞻仰和传承。 传奇回顾 《征途》创造网游历...

In 2005 a called "journey" the net swims D-Will, classical style, mature play and first proposed the "national war games" concept, let the game once launched immediately swept the country. 11 years "journey" appeared countless memorable picture and create too many classical legend, the glorious moment, forever recorded in the history of the "journey" for all players to pay their respects and inheritance. Legend of the "journey" to create a network of travel...