新关注 > 信息聚合 > 射击游戏新纪元 179《特战英雄》首服瞄准开射

射击游戏新纪元 179《特战英雄》首服瞄准开射

Shooting game era 179, the war hero aimed first take off

2016-05-25 14:30:19来源: 新浪

玩游戏,上179.com! 超刺激爆头连杀,高逼真视觉享受,两指间战火重燃。5.25日,179《特战英雄》首服枪王之战火爆开启,一场速度与技术的较量即将展开。经典仓库、阴森地牢、多掩体废弃工厂、生化模式、边境牧场……从干涸的沙漠到异域风情米国小镇,多掩体的复杂地图,一次过足激战瘾。拿...

Play games, 179. com on! Super stimulus even kill rifleman, high realistic visual enjoyment, renewed war between the two means. 5.25, 179, the war hero first take gun to colonists hot open, a struggle between speed and technology. Classic warehouse, dark dungeons, bunker much pasture abandoned factories, biochemical mode, border... From the dry desert to the town, the different region amorous feelings more bunker complex maps, one foot fighting an addiction. Take...

标签: 游戏