新关注 > 信息聚合 > 穿紧身衣秀玲珑曲线 韩国螺旋猫Cos《守望先锋》图

穿紧身衣秀玲珑曲线 韩国螺旋猫Cos《守望先锋》图

Wearing tights show exquisite curve South Korea spiral cat Cos the watchman pioneer figure

2016-05-25 14:58:56来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 《守望先锋(Overwatch)》已经正式上市,韩国Cosplay团体螺旋猫昨日公开日前在釜山《守望先锋》活动中,扮演游戏英雄角色的现场照片。 《守望先锋》是Blizzard强调团队合作的射击游戏,Blizzard在5月21、22两天在釜山BEXCO举办了《守望先锋》大型试...

Sina game - "the watchman pioneer (Overwatch)" has been officially listed, South Korea Cosplay group spiral cat yesterday has publicly in busan "watchman pioneer" activities, role playing game hero scene photo. The watchman pioneer is Blizzard emphasize teamwork shooting game, Blizzard on May 21, 22 two days in busan BEXCO hosted the "watchman pioneer" large try...