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英魂之刃诸葛亮高端玩法攻略 英魂之刃诸葛亮打法..

Souls of the blade Zhu Geliang high-end gameplay Raiders souls of the blade Zhu Geliang play.

2016-05-12 14:35:28来源: 7k7k小游戏

英魂之刃诸葛亮的高端玩法,诸葛亮是个智力型英雄,就是没有位移技能,抓住了就死,还是跟着团就行。小编这里给大家带来的是关于英魂之刃诸葛亮的技能方面小技巧与装备攻略吧! 技能分析: 【Q技能】雷霆万钧:最早在街头游戏机里就有的技能,群攻输出高,800距离,最高可以攻击到7个对象。算是远...

The souls of the blade Zhu Geliang high-end play, Zhu Geliang is an intellectual hero, there is no displacement skills, grasp die, or follow the group on the line. Here Xiaobian bring to you on the souls of the blade of Zhu Geliang's skills skills and equipment guide! Skills: [Q] analysis skills: an irresistible force at the earliest arcade game machine in some skills, group attack output high, the 800 highest distance attack to the 7 objects. It's far...