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该添新衣了 萌乐网《剑雨江湖》红装粉墨登场

Should add new clothes of company "sword rain jianghu" red

2016-03-21 22:45:15来源: 07073游戏网

这该死的鬼天气,阴晴不定,忽冷忽热,比女生血祭期更加不可理喻。少侠们在这种天气下走南闯北,是不是该添件新衣裳了。萌乐网《剑雨江湖》红装粉墨登场,为各位揭开传说级装备的神秘面纱,给玩家带来最顶级的侠客装备。下面,就让我们去看看吧! 【橙装太鸡肋 鸟枪换炮升红装】 萌乐网《剑雨江湖》新...

The damn weather, rain or shine, hot and cold, blood sacrifice period more unreasonable than female students. Little xia crisscrossed under this kind of weather, should add a new clothes. Of its "sword rain jianghu" red appearance, for all the mysteries of the legendary equipment,'s valiant give players the best equipment. Here, let's go and see! The orange is too small Rose red 】 corners of its "sword rain jianghu" new...