新关注 > 信息聚合 > PSV新版3.57出现BUG 耗电过快商店进入困难

PSV新版3.57出现BUG 耗电过快商店进入困难

PSV version 3.57 bugs power consumption too fast store into difficulties

2016-01-30 12:14:22来源: 新浪

相对于主机、PC市场,掌机市场已经越来越不景气,然而,PSV却依旧在苦苦挣扎。当然,索尼对这款掌机也还没有放弃,依旧在进行着更新。不过,在最近一次的固件更新中,却让掌机党都怒了! 本周一些更新了3.57版固件的用户在Reddit和NeoGAF上发帖抱怨,声称PSV会出现进入Store...

Relative to the host, the PC market, handheld market has been more and more bad, however, we still struggling PSV. Of course, SONY is also didn't give up on the PSP, still in the update. However, in the latest firmware update, the allows handheld parties wrath! This week some updated firmware version 3.57 users Posting complaints on Reddit and NeoGAF, claimed that PSV will be entering the Store...

标签: PS