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卡牌大师手游菲琳厉害吗 菲琳技能卡组解析

Master card mobile game Mr Lin badly Mr Lin analytical skill card group

2016-01-30 15:55:21来源: 4399

卡牌大师手游菲林怎么样?菲琳厉害吗?在卡牌大师手游里有5个召唤师可供玩家选择,而菲琳就是其中之一,也是初始就能获得的召唤师。今天就给大家介绍下这个帅气洋溢的女召唤师吧。 技能: 卡牌风暴:菲琳使用卡牌对敌方全体造成伤害 解析: 从技能中我们不难发现菲琳属于输出型召唤师,而且拥有强...

Master card mobile game film? Mr Lin badly? In the master card mobile game with five summoners for players to choose, and Mr Lin is one of them, also can get the initial call. Today is to introduce this handsome with female summoners. Skills: card storm: Mr Lin to use the card to damage enemy all the resolution: it is easy to find Mr Lin from skills belong to summoners output type, and it has strong...

标签: 手游