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《书剑恩仇录》新春专题页上线 贺岁好礼纷沓来

"Book and Sword" New Year Gifts New Year Special page on the line to come again and again

2016-01-27 11:02:17来源: 一游网

年关近了,假期到了,考试结束了,不用上班了,只等着红红火火过新年了。春节里似乎一切都是红红火火的喜庆颜色,灯笼、炮竹、火炉、福字、春联、红包,今年《书剑恩仇录》还将为大家送上一份红红火火的贺岁大礼,大红新春专题页上线,多重喜庆好礼陪你欢度新年。 点开《书剑恩仇了》专题页,映入眼帘的是...

Year closer, leave the exam is over, do not work, just waiting for the New Year is booming. Spring seems everything is booming festive colors, lanterns, firecrackers, stoves, Fuk, couplets, red envelope this year, "Book and Sword" We will also send a booming New Year gift, Chinese New Year red thematic page on-line, multi-festive gifts accompany you to celebrate the New Year. Opening the "Stirring allies and enemies of the" special page, the eye is ...