新关注 > 信息聚合 > 虚荣1.27-2.2一周免费英雄 周免英雄攻略汇总

虚荣1.27-2.2一周免费英雄 周免英雄攻略汇总

Vanity 1.27-2.2 one week free hero Zhou free hero Raiders summary

2016-01-27 11:02:17来源: 4399

虚荣每周三都会更新一批新的英雄,对于大部分平民玩家来讲是一个可以使用一些昂贵英雄的福利,本周的免费英雄为:机甲朱尔、火龙史卡夫、魔狼福彻斯、鱼人费恩、魔女星乐斯和酒枪林戈,喜欢虚荣的玩家不要错过哦。 欢迎大家加入游戏群一起讨论!群号:389559173

Vanity every Wednesday will update a new group of heroes, speaking for the majority of people internationally is a can use some expensive hero welfare. For this week's free Hero: mecha Jules, dragon history Kraft, evil wolf Fuchesi, murlocs Finn, witch star chlorpyrifos and wine hail of Ge, like vanity players don't miss oh. Welcome to join the game group discussion! Group number: 389559173