新关注 > 信息聚合 > 喜迎神宠来袭《去吧皮卡丘》感恩回馈活动开启


Celebrate god pet hit "go Pikachu Thanksgiving feedback activities

2016-01-27 11:02:17来源: 4399

《去吧皮卡丘》是一款独特的模拟精灵养成玩法的精灵卡牌对战手游,2.3.0新年版本也即将隆重上线!为了迎接新年版本的到来,游戏开启了感恩回馈活动,玩家们千万别错过了! 活动一:充值五倍 活动时间:1月27日00:00-1月28日8:00 活动范围:全服 活动内容:活动期间,玩家充值...

"Go Pikachu" is a unique elves simulation form the spirit of play the card game with mobile game, 2.3.0 version will grandly launched New Year! In order to meet the arrival of the new version, the game opened a Thanksgiving feedback activity, players don't miss! Activity 1: prepaid phone five times Activity time: January 27 00:00 - January 28 8:00 range: all service content: players during the activity, prepaid phone...