新关注 > 信息聚合 > 世界大BOSS 8090《仙境物语》兽人英雄闯关难

世界大BOSS 8090《仙境物语》兽人英雄闯关难

Big BOSS in the world 8090 "wonderland" orc hero stage mode

2016-01-07 10:01:25来源: 一游网

无论在哪个游戏中,战争都是在所难免的。在每片魔幻大陆的天空总是充有战火的味道。这即是世界大BOSS的故乡。世界BOSS在我们心目中都是强大的,不可忽视的存在,但是也有看上去非常呆萌的BOSS哦。在8090仙境物语的各个地图中都有很多丰富的BOSS,而兽人英雄就是这样的呆萌BOSS哦。 ...

No matter in which game, war is inevitable. In every continent magic sky is always filled with the flavor of the war. This is the home of the world's big BOSS. The BOSS in our mind is powerful, can not be ignored, but also has looked very lovely BOSS oh. In every map in 8090 "wonderland" there are a lot of rich BOSS, and the orc hero is such a lovely BOSS. ...