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Square Enix子公司解散!亏损超20亿日元

Square Enix subsidiary dismissed! Losses of more than 2 billion yen

2016-01-07 07:44:24来源: 环球网

Square Enix子公司“神罗科技”1月6日正式宣布解散,该子公司负责的是云游戏方向。 “神罗科技”从2014年9月正式成立,到如今解散,仅仅不到一年半的时间,时任社长为SE的前社长和田洋一,神罗科技主打云游戏,在美国纽约为据点展开工作,此次解散的理由是追加的事业资金不足。 ...

Square Enix subsidiary "god" of science and technology on January 6 officially dissolved, the unit is responsible for the direction of cloud game. "God" of science and technology from September 2014 was formally established, dissolved by now, only less than a year and a half, the then President of SE, the former President hetian yoichi, god's main cloud games science and technology, New York in the United States for stronghold, the dissolution of the reason is that an additional cause of insufficient funds. ...