新关注 > 信息聚合 > AAA级FPS机甲主机游戏大作《HAWKEN》即将登陆中..


AAA grade FPS mech console game masterpiece "HAWKEN" about landing in ..

2015-12-25 10:16:18来源: DVBCN数字电视中文网

由美国游戏厂商Meteor Entertainment和Adhesive Games斥资千万美金打造的AAA级硬科幻FPS机甲大作《HAWKEN》即将与中国玩家见面。据了解,《HAWKEN》的全球安卓主机版本将由激乐游戏独家发行,并进行主机移植工作,预计于明年登陆“战斧”游戏主机平台。《...

Game makers by the American Meteor Entertainment and Adhesive Games to spend millions of dollars to build the AAA-hard sci-fi Mech FPS masterpiece "HAWKEN" will soon meet with Chinese players. It is understood that, "HAWKEN" global Android versions will host exclusive distribution excited music games, and host migration, which is expected in the next year visit the "Tomahawk" game console platform. "...

标签: 游戏 PS