新关注 > 信息聚合 > 欧美人也是会做放置游戏的 《进化:乌托邦的英雄..

欧美人也是会做放置游戏的 《进化:乌托邦的英雄..

European and American people place game is also do the evolution: utopia hero..

2015-12-25 10:26:31来源: 4399

平日有关注本站资讯的朋友们可能会知道,至少在今年之内,岛国游戏开发者们做出了许多题材各异的放置系游戏。但若要说这一类型的游戏是日本人专精,那可就不一定了:近日,独立游戏《进化:乌托邦的英雄(Evolution: Heroes of Utopia)》登陆双平台,而它的开发商则来自欧洲。 ...

Normally have to pay attention to this information friends may know, at least within this year, the island game developers to make the placement of a lot of different subjects is a game. But if this type of game is Japanese specialization, that are not necessarily: recently, the independent games the Evolution: Utopia hero (Evolution: Heroes of Utopia) landing platform, while its developers from Europe. ...

标签: 游戏