新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访:《枪林弹雨》高校战队揭露夺冠技巧


Interview: "the team win" skills revealed a hail of bullets

2015-12-23 11:18:24来源: 新浪


By a single generation of tiantuo games, Chengdu rain god R & D of shooting a kind of webpage game "bullets" anniversary celebration, work in Colleges and universities, line League, brightest players all the way through the clutter, pass through, and finally came to the hail of bullets, the League final stage, experience a lot of fellow kill, we the 3 anlyses the the team come to the fore in a bloody battle in the, eventually won the the College League champion! When they win the moment, the audience followed the boiling, it must be him...