新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新人们再度出手 创作计划H最新作品《泡泡灭菌大..

新人们再度出手 创作计划H最新作品《泡泡灭菌大..

New people again creation plan H latest work "bubble sterilization big..

2015-12-21 21:09:12来源: 4399

卡普空旗下新人培养企划“创作计划H”再发新作《泡泡灭菌大作战(PUKURU)》,目前这款主打轻松系的休闲动作手游已在iOS/安卓上架。 玩家在游戏里的任务非常简单,就是把屏幕下方的肥皂搓出泡泡,用它们去消灭那些从排水管道入侵的细菌。如果感觉到某一波的细菌数量实在太多,就可以把泡泡们(最...

Karp empty, newcomer training project "creative plan H" again hair new "big bubble sterilization operations (PUKURU)", is the flagship system easily recreational action mobile game has been in the iOS/android. Players in the game task is very simple, is to rub out the bottom of the screen soap bubbles, use them to destroy the invading bacteria from the drainage pipe. If there are too many feel a wave of bacteria, can put the bubbles (most...