新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两大核心榜单上线 乐上网欲推电视游戏CP扶持计划

两大核心榜单上线 乐上网欲推电视游戏CP扶持计划

Two core online music online music video game CP support program

2015-12-21 18:49:21来源: 4399

日前,国内知名家庭娱乐媒体乐上网退出了“新游期待榜”和“游戏热度榜”两大核心榜单业务。这两大核心榜单业务的推出旨在打造玩家认可度高的游戏榜单系统,整合优质渠道、CP资源,并以此拓展电视游戏发展新思路。 联合终端硬件商 推出“首发签约金” 笔者了解到,作为其核心榜单业务之一,乐上网推出...

Recently, domestic well-known home entertainment media music online withdrew from the "new look tour list" and "heat of the game list two list the core business. The two core business launch of the core business is designed to create a high degree of recognition of the game list system, the integration of quality channels, CP resources, and to expand the new ideas for the development of TV games. Joint terminal hardware manufacturers launched the first signing of the author, I learned, as one of its core business, music online launch...

标签: 游戏