新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《宠物小精灵》拒绝脑残式玩法 要玩就玩智商

《宠物小精灵》拒绝脑残式玩法 要玩就玩智商

Denial "pokemon" brain-dead Want to play will play intelligence

2015-12-21 19:41:50来源: 游久网


For strategic swim card player, how perfect collocation, is a permanent problem. A good card game, all the time in testing the players for the strategy of reading. If you want to achieve victory, have to the mutant ever victorious. Today we have to analyze the "pokemon" the inside of the battle mode and feeding system, specific learned the game for players to design, two kinds of entertainment elements closely integrated, so as to learn how to schedule strategy, can we...