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WCA2015完美落幕 华硕主板荣耀登场

WCA2015 perfect ending ASUS motherboard glory debut

2015-12-21 17:13:16来源: IT168

2015年12月20日,WCA2015全球总决赛在中国“一带一路”的重要黄金交会点——银川圆满落下帷幕,不仅吸引了700多名来自全球4大区域的参赛选手为冠军而拼搏,更有众多明星闪耀亮相。华硕作为WCA合作伙伴之一,在赛事设备方面提供了大力支持。以华硕 B150 PRO GAMING /A...

In December 20, 2015, WCA2015 global finals in Chinese "The Belt and Road" an important gold intersection in Yinchuan successfully concluded, not only attracted more than 700 from the world's 4 largest regional players fighting for the title, many more stars sparkling debut. ASUS as one of the WCA partners, in the event of equipment to provide strong support. ASUS PRO GAMING /A B150...