新关注 > 信息聚合 > 道具赛才是卡丁车的精髓 《趣味赛车》邀你一同开..

道具赛才是卡丁车的精髓 《趣味赛车》邀你一同开..

Items "is the essence of karting" fun racing "invite you together..

2015-12-14 17:41:35来源: 4399

还记得几年前,随着《跑跑卡丁车》、《马里奥赛车》的风靡,卡丁车类型的游戏频繁出现在玩家眼前。而现在的赛车游戏更多地追求画面和感官上的冲击,很难找回当初朋友间互相丢着道具,扯着后腿的休闲乐趣。近日随着一款卡丁车竞速游戏《趣味赛车》(King of Karts)的发布,大家熟悉的卡丁车又回来...

Remember a few years ago, as ", ", "Mario kart" fashionable, karting types of games frequently appeared in front of players. Now racing game for more pictures and sensory impact, it is hard to get back lost each item between friends, pulled the leg recreational fun. Recently as a kart racing game "fun racing" (King of Karts) release, familiar, come back...