新关注 > 信息聚合 > PS4版《最终幻想7》自带作弊 瞬间满血

PS4版《最终幻想7》自带作弊 瞬间满血

The PS4 version of "Final Fantasy 7" police moment full of blood

2015-12-08 07:19:56来源: 中关村在线

在《最终幻想7:重制版》公开游戏演示之时,SE也正式宣布,PS4平台上的《最终幻想7》原汁原味版也正式发售,不过要提醒大家,这次的PS4版本和之前的IOS移植一样,都是最纯粹的搬运,没有一丝丝进步,大家还是等待重制版吧。 游戏也加入了IOS版本的作弊模式,比如,在游戏中按下PS4手柄...

In the "Final Fantasy 7: heavy plate" open game demo at SE also officially announced on the PS4 platform "Final Fantasy 7" original version is officially on sale, but would like to remind everyone that this version of PS4 and IOS before transplantation, is the most pure handling, not the slightest progress. Everyone is waiting for the heavy plate. The game also joined the IOS version of the cheat mode, for example, in the game by pressing the PS4 handle...

标签: 最终幻想 PS4 PS