新关注 > 信息聚合 > 饥饿的鲨鱼进化新鲨鱼来袭 新版本即将更新预告

饥饿的鲨鱼进化新鲨鱼来袭 新版本即将更新预告

Hungry shark evolution new shark attack the new version is about to update the notice

2015-12-04 13:56:56来源: 4399

饥饿的鲨鱼进化在经过长久的等待终于要迎来一次新版本更新啦,本次更新的最大亮点在于新鲨鱼的诞生,在小编看来,本次的新鲨鱼真的是丑到不行,另外新增加的海底地图,大家是不是都已经迫不及待了呢?一起先来看看更新内容吧! 注释:目前越狱IOS版本已经更新,而安卓和苹果商店上暂未更新,至于苹果商店...

Hungry shark evolution in after long wait finally ushered in a new version update la la la la la la, the biggest highlight of the update is the birth of a new shark, in a small series of opinion, the new shark really is not ugly, also adding new maps of the ocean floor, we are not have the wait?? Let's take a look at the update! Note: the current jailbreak IOS version has been updated, while Android and Apple store no update, as for the apple store...