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剧本完成 铃木裕透露《莎木3》最新开发进度

Yu Suzuki revealed complete script "Shenmue 3," the latest development progress

2015-12-04 12:15:11来源: 新浪

今日,制作人铃木裕对《莎木3》的Kickstarter众筹页面进行了更新,官方详细介绍了本作的剧情设定以及最新的开发进展,让我们一起来了解下详细内容。 《莎木》系列将拥有11章剧情,其中《莎木2》结束在第五章。因此续作《莎木3》将会继续跟进第五章芭月凉的旅程,并引导第六章。铃木裕说道:...

Today, producer Yu Suzuki to "Shenmue 3" Kickstarter crowdfunding page has been updated, official details of the plot and set this as the latest development progress, let us work together to understand the details. "Shenmue" drama series will have 11 chapters, including "Shenmue 2" at the end of the fifth chapter. Therefore sequel "Shenmue 3" will continue to follow up the fifth chapter Ballet cool month journey and guide Chapter VI. Yu Suzuki said: ...