新关注 > 信息聚合 > 十二月新版来袭 《火影忍者OL》新主角天赋与玩法..

十二月新版来袭 《火影忍者OL》新主角天赋与玩法..

December the new incoming "Naruto OL" new protagonist talent and play ..

2015-12-04 11:36:46来源: 新浪

全球唯一正版授权火影忍者网游《火影忍者OL》12月首个新版本已于日前全面上线。在全新的游戏版本中,倍受高等级玩家们期待的85级【新主角天赋】全面亮相。同时,全新游戏玩法【极限特训】与【符咒系统】亦联动上线,带给玩家们更多元的战力提升空间与更多彩的火影元素体验。 85级新天赋解禁 高端...

The world's only genuine authorized online Naruto "Naruto OL" December was the first new version of the comprehensive on-line a few days ago. In the new version of the game, much of the high-level players look forward to the new protagonist talent [85] full debut. Meanwhile, the new gameplay Gifted limit [] and [] also spells linkage system on the line, give players more choices in the space and to enhance the combat capability of the more colorful elements Naruto experience. 85 new high-end talent ban ...