新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL又削弱了一圈:盘点排位不受版本影响的英雄!


LOL has weakened the circle: the inventory of the impact of the impact of the version of the hero!

2015-12-04 11:42:48来源: 东北网

近日,在LOL的比赛中,卡萨丁和发条又开始变多了。一方面得益于不少英雄的削弱,另一方面AP装备的价格下跌,让很多AP刺客英雄再次崛起。而这同时也证明,拳头公司经历了一个赛季的加强与削弱之后,又回到了起点,发条的出现就是标志! 每年临近S总决赛,你就会发现奥莉安娜开始活跃起来了。而有人...

Recently, in the LOL game, Casadin and began to become more and more. On the one hand due to the weakening of many heroes, on the other hand, the price of AP equipment fell, so many AP assassin hero once again rise. And this also proves that the fist company experienced a season of strengthening and weakening, and back to the starting point, the emergence of a spring is marked! Every year near the S finals, you will find that Orianna began to be active. And some people...

标签: LOL