新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这里有妹子和烈酒 是否愿意跟天之禁走

这里有妹子和烈酒 是否愿意跟天之禁走

Here's sister and liquor are willing to go with days of the forbidden

2015-12-02 12:52:20来源: 新浪

一醉江湖三十春,焉得书剑解红尘。仗剑走马,佳人同伴江湖,岂不美哉!如今,大多数网络游戏中“肉少人多”,想在游戏中找到一个伴侣更是难上加难。而在国风仙侠网游《天之禁》中,女玩家比例竟达到了意想不到的高度。这里有妹子有烈酒,这趟闯荡江湖路,你要跟我走! 【御姐萌妹天下 福利策马奔腾】 ...

A drunk jianghu thirty spring and sword XieGongChen must book. Cook's battle sword, the wind partner runescape, not beautiful! Today, most online games less people "meat", want to find a partner in the game more difficult. In huai XianXia online game, in the day and the proportion of female players have reached the height of the unexpected. Here's sister have liquor, it would make their way, you want to come with me! The royal elder sister of sister Welfare on 】...