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无热血不游戏 《魔足学院》掌上足球新玩法

No blood no game "Magic Foot Academy" Pocket Soccer new ways

2015-12-02 13:06:15来源: 不凡游戏网

童年经典,FC热血足球回来了!《魔足学院》将魔法和足球结合,加上红白机时代大头娃娃式的足球游戏风格,让这个游戏的特点无疑十分鲜明。玩《魔足学院》就是要的那种激情昂扬,热血无限的感觉,让你童年的感觉再次回归。不热血的话,怎么好意思给你剧透? 魔足学院——热血童年忆 球场上的必杀技,追述...

Childhood classic, FC passionate football is back! "Magic Foot Academy" will combine magic and football, plus the NES era Taitouwawa style football game style, the game features no doubt make this very clear. Play "Magic Foot Academy" is to kind of passion high-spirited, passionate infinite feeling, so you the feeling of childhood back again. No blood, then, how the nerve to give you a spoiler? Magic Foot Institute - childhood memories nirvana blood on the court, recount ...

标签: 游戏