新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大宇携手盖娅互娱释出《轩辕剑之天之痕》官方正..


Daewoo entertainment go hand in Gaia mutual release "Xuanyuanjian of Tianzhi Hen," the official positive ..

2015-12-01 16:41:24来源: 新浪

新浪游戏12月1日消息 今日,由盖娅互娱携手大宇资讯联合开发的官方正版手游《轩辕剑之天之痕》正式对外公开,包括“轩辕剑之父”蔡明宏在内的主创人员将共同参与到游戏的开发制作中。 对于这样一个经典的游戏IP,如何让玩家在重温经典故事情节的同时,还能获得焕然一新的游戏体验;如何凭借更多的新...

Sina game news today, December 1 by Gaia mutual joint development of information and entertainment go hand Daewoo official Genuine hand tour "Xuanyuanjian of Tianzhi Hen" officially open to the public, including the "father of Xuanyuanjian" Caiming Hong including creative staff will to participate in the game development production. For such a classic game IP, how to get players to revisit classic story, while also get a brand new game experience; how with new ... more