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熊猫TV现状不乐观 多番造势后现在已经放缓脚步

The panda TV situation is not optimistic After conducting campaign has now been slowing down

2015-11-26 15:18:30来源: 新浪

熊猫TV在北京时间10月20日公测,至今已经1个月有余。虽然之前的诸多造势让许多玩家对这个新的平台颇为关注与期待,不过从目前来看,平台的现状并不容乐观。 简单观察了熊猫TV在晚间8点的热门游戏观众数据,排在前三的观众人数如下: 斗鱼这边: 尽管显示的人数未必100%真实,但是...

Panda TV in Beijing time on October 20, open beta, has been more than 1 month. Although many buildup before make many players on this new platform with attention and look forward to, but for now, the present situation of the platform and is not optimistic. Simple observation of the panda TV in the evening at 8 o 'clock the popular game of audience data, the top three attendance is as follows: bettas are here: although shows the number of people may not be 100% true, but...