新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016《炉石传说》锦标赛奖金达百万美元


2016 "hearth legend tournament bonus of millions of us dollars

2015-11-27 09:49:27来源: 07073游戏网

暴雪在《炉石传说》的竞技比赛上砸下重金。 2016年《炉石传说》第一场巡回锦标赛将在瑞典拉开序幕。赛事将会持续数月直至最终的世界冠军赛,且冠军赛奖池内金额高达100万美元,是2015年奖金的四倍。这预示着《炉石传说》这一款可以再PC,Mac以及移动设备上进行游戏的F2P卡牌游戏正处于一个...

Blizzard in the hearth legend hit heavily on sports competition. 2016 "hearth legend" first tour tournament will be kicked off in Sweden. Tournament will be months until the final world championship, and championship prize pool of 1 million dollars, is four times the size of the prize in 2015. Heralding the BFS legend this one to the PC, Mac and F2P game on mobile devices is in a card game...

标签: 炉石传说