新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《火瀑》冲级赛榜单出炉 冲级牛人风光无限

《火瀑》冲级赛榜单出炉 冲级牛人风光无限

The firefall leveling game list released leveling cattle unlimited scenery

2015-11-23 14:20:51来源: 17173

自《火瀑》11月18日18:00不删档测试开始起,广大《火瀑》玩家们热情难挡,纷纷进入游戏,在游戏里过五关斩六将,冲级动力十足,升级速度也是居高不下。目前,最新的冲级排行榜单已经出炉了,那么冲级排行前十名到底花落谁家呢?一起来一睹牛人们的风采吧! 十万玩家不删档,冲级牛人马上发 冲...

since the firefall November 18, 18:00 delete files test doesn't start up, the majority of the firefall players enthusiasm can not stop, have entered the game, in the game over five hurdles, leveling motivated and upgrading speed is high. At present, the new leveling list is out, then leveling the top ten who spent? Together to see the cattle people's style bar! The one hundred thousand game player does not delete files, send red leveling expert...