新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从war3起家到入主龙珠 游久刘亮十年电竞路

从war3起家到入主龙珠 游久刘亮十年电竞路

From war3 started to the white dragon travel long liuliang decade gaming road

2015-11-23 13:52:29来源: 电玩巴士


played League of Legends of the people may have heard "infinity blade", the "league history the most expensive weapons" in the title of the weapon, the Chinese translator kircheis recently has been riot official recognition, will in the game in the name of kircheis lol regular game version of the new equipment title, and the mystery of the translator kircheis turned out to be the well-known game company -- a visit to the game for a long time...

标签: 电竞