新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《偶像大师 尽情高歌 红盘/蓝盘》自定义要素解说..

《偶像大师 尽情高歌 红盘/蓝盘》自定义要素解说..

The idol master heartily singing red / blue disc "custom elements commentary..

2015-11-20 18:48:14来源: 电玩巴士

PSV新作《偶像大师 尽情高歌 红盘/蓝盘》本周公开音无小鸟解说视频第四弹。这次介绍的是游戏的自定义要素,和其它的《太鼓达人》游戏一样,本作中也可以使用各种装饰品装扮咚酱和咔酱,其中甚至还有各角色的泳装…… 此外在敲打音方面也可以进行丰富的自定义,比如各位偶像的口头禅都可以被设置成敲...

PSV new" idol master heartily singing red / blue disc, the Duke of Zhou Kai Yin no bird video commentary the fourth. Is the introduction of the custom elements of the game, and the other the Taiko no Tatsujin "of the game, this can also use various decorations dress boom sauce and click Paste, even the role of swimsuits... In addition to beat sound can also be rich in custom, such as your idol pet phrase is configured to knock...