新关注 > 信息聚合 > 荣耀X2现身《虚荣》首届中国邀请赛


Glory x2 appeared "vanity" the first China invite match

2015-11-20 18:20:08来源: 中关村在线

2015年11月20日,首届《虚荣》中国邀请赛(VCI,VainGlory China Invitation)在上海正式拉开战幕,来自全国各地的八支顶尖战队齐聚上海风云电竞馆。作为该项官方邀请赛的安卓推荐机,荣耀X2同台亮相,并与玩家共同引爆专属于触屏竞技的华丽战争。 作为国产手机品...

2015 on 20 November 2006, the first "vanity" China Invitational (VCI, VainGlory China USP) in Shanghai officially kicks off, from all over the country eight branch of the top teams gathered in Shanghai storm gaming hall. As the official tournament Android recommendation engine, glory x2 appeared on the same stage and with internationally common detonated exclusively belong to the touch screen competitive war ornate. As a domestic mobile phone products...