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一睹为快 Gstar2015新游大作独家试玩汇总

A preview of Gstar2015 travelogue masterpiece exclusive demo summary

2015-11-13 12:34:20来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 11月13日消息,韩国游戏展Gstar2015日前正在釜山BEXCO展览馆举行中,除了以往的端游,也有众多手游产品参展。新浪游戏前线记者在现场也发回独家试玩的各款游戏视频,看看是否有你喜欢的呢?【本文将持续进行更新】 手游《冒险岛M》独家试玩 大战经典BOSS扎昆 ht...

Sina game news news on November 13, South Korea game show Gstar2015 a few days ago is Busan's bexco exhibition held in, in addition to the past the end of the tour, many travel products exhibition. Sina game also sent reporters at the scene of the exclusive demo video games, see whether you love it? This paper will continue [update] Mobile Games "Adventure Island M" exclusive demo war classic BOSS Zhakun ht...