新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家对H5游戏接受度高 市场前景可观

玩家对H5游戏接受度高 市场前景可观

Players on the H5 game acceptance high market prospects

2015-11-10 14:00:16来源: 07073游戏网

H5游戏在2015年可以说是迎来了游戏产品大作的集中爆发。从2015年1月到7月,H5游戏数量增幅显著,在原有666款的基础上增长到8656款,涨幅达到1299%。 H5游戏的变化的确让众多手机游戏CP有点措手不及,大厂强势加速布局,中小研发商竞争激烈,形式变换莫测。 为什么H5...

H5 game in 2015 can be said to usher in the game's products to focus on the outbreak. From January 2015 to July, the number of H5 games increased significantly, in the original 666 models based on growth to 8656, or 1299%. The change of H5 games indeed so many mobile phone game CP a bit strong to speed up the layout of be taken by surprise, manufacturers, research and development of small and medium business competition, changing form. Why H5...

标签: 游戏 玩家 H5