新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刀塔传奇猴子觉醒技能介绍 枪戟专家光环

刀塔传奇猴子觉醒技能介绍 枪戟专家光环

Turret legendary monkey awakening skills introduced gun halberd expert halo

2015-11-02 16:10:32来源: TechWeb

刀塔传奇猴子觉醒技能介绍,齐天大圣美猴王此次开放觉醒,不仅成功晋级为枪戟专家,攻击力也是更上一层楼。 觉醒技能 枪戟专家:拥有枪戟类的队友可获得物理攻击力增强。 光环:所有枪戟类队友增加546点攻击力,猴子的枪戟类队友包括大鱼人、神灵武士、军团指挥和小鹿四位英雄。

knife tower legend monkey awakening skills introduction, awakening Qitian monkey king the open, not only the success of the promotion for gun halberd experts, attack power is more on a floor. The awakening skills pertuisane expert: have pertuisane class mate can obtain physical attack force enhancement. Halo: all gun halberd class mate increase 546 attack. Monkey gun halberd teammates including four hero people fish, Huskar, the Legion commander and deer.